Soy un perdedor…

I’ve got a plan to lose it all…

Dear Reader,

I’m really terrible at updating. I have been feeling guilty about this for about a month now. I get emails letting me know about my new followers. I get emails with comments made on posts that are a month old. I’m sorry. I really am going to make more of an effort to post. Does this sound familiar to you? Seems like I’ve heard it somewhere before…

So, we’re gonna call this a mini-update, though it should totally be a super update, since I’ve had my proverbial head buried in the proverbial sand. Wait, is that even a proverb? I think it’s an idiom. Making me the idiot. I apologize, let’s go over that again… since I’ve had my idiomatic head buried in the idiomatic sand. It just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

The little guy refuses to crawl. He will spin on his belly like a top, but just won’t crawl. He seems hung up on trying to use his feet to push instead of his knees. This leads to an awkward bear crawl position with his bum in the air and his hands and feet on the ground. The problem is… he can’t go anywhere. He’s a brave little guy, he’s tried to launch himself out of and off of things, but when he’s got his rump skyward, he won’t move. The he kinda gets stuck. He doesn’t know how to get down. It’s all quite funny, but we try not to mock him… too much.

I think it comes down to the fact that he wants to walk. He will hold on to our hands and waddle towards us. We got him a walker and he’s still trying to figure out how to go forward, but he really likes it. He wants to walk every chance he gets. When we try to assist him with crawling he gets upset and drops back down to his belly. Again, this is quite entertaining for Mom and Dad, but he is not amused.

We have him eating solid foods. He’s really into sweet potatoes. We’ve been giving him an assortment of foods and he seems to like them all. He’s so tiny, but you’d never know that by the way he eats. He’s got his daddy’s appetite. If only his daddy had his metabolism or energy or lack of laziness. That sentence could have gone on for ages, glad I found a good stopping point…

He starting to imitate us, by smacking his jaws together like he’s talking. He will flap his mouth open and shut almost in rhythm with us. It doesn’t matter if we’re telling him a story or giving him a stern “No, Sir!” he yaps along with us. Which makes those stern “No, Sir!s” much more difficult for us.

So this is my update for today, I’m SURE in the near future I will touch one of these subjects in depth. Since I’m sure about it you can be too. I wouldn’t lie to you. Ok, I wouldn’t purposefully lie to you, because by setting myself up like that, I’m asking for some extraneous circumstance to come along and make a liar out of me. Uhh, and with that… I’ll see you next time. (That was a weird ending.) Yeah, I’ve always had a problem wrapping these things up. (Lack of practice?) Touché inner-self, touché.

4 thoughts on “Soy un perdedor…

  1. Babies have all kind of weird crawling of my cousins used to have a weird style of crawling too..he would sit up and use his hands to lift his body and sit an inch ahead along with a weird movement of legs…I am pretty sure that you didn’t get ,what i meant to say..:P but i really can’t explain any better.
    P.S. -the pic is really cute

    • Like this??

      This is what my younger sister did instead of crawling, haha. Best example on the internets I could find, and I’m happy it’s intentionally designed to be amusing because now I feel less stalker-ish than I would if it was some random raw footage of some baby dragging their ass along the ground.

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